

Normally, we would now gearing up for Fairtrade Fortnight, which this year starts on 22nd February. Past events have often been spectacular involving celebrities and steam trains, we’ve had a big band tea dance, film festival, a bake-off and many parties. Great fun of course but with a serious message which is highlighting the plight of the farmers on whom we depend every day, and promoting Fairtrade which is the one guarantee that they can plan for a more successful future.

This year however, the global pandemic has affected everyone and our campaigning has moved online where we will join others in a Community Arts Festival.
The theme this year is CHOOSE THE WORLD YOU WANT and focused heavily on climate change which is having a huge effect on farmers and threatening their future crops.

We don’t yet have an opening date for the shop but we look forward to welcoming customers new and old when we do, we think perhaps in March ?