
Now the hard work

photo(12)Fair trade is really quite complex. Without all the people campaigning for trade justice and working towards a more equal society, tens of thousands of farmers, artisans and garment manufacturers would not have the opportunity to trade their way out of poverty.

There has to be structures in place to ensure that the principles of fair trade are being developed and adhered to. As the movement has grown this is increasingly important and we now have all the key players working more closely together.

I will be attending the BAFTS AGM in Scotland shortly and then taking the proposals to the European WFTO AGM for approval before being submitted to the Global WFTO both in Rio de Janeiro. (someone has to do it)

Fair trade is truly a worldwide movement of people with a sense of responsibility for others less fortunate on whom we depend daily for our staple foods.


Rio was a brilliant 5 days of discussions and debates ending with several really exciting results. Fair Trade Towns have now been incorporated in the work of the WFTO Global organisation and will receive the support to carry on this incredible life changing work for millions.